January - New Year 2019: A Message from Angie Plummer, Executive Director of CRIS

Someone wise reminded me recently that there is no joy without sorrow. I think the events of 2018 represent that sentiment for us at CRIS. We experienced the unimaginable sorrow at the tragic loss of life when several of the refugees we resettled were killed in April. The healing for that family continues. Funding cuts have necessitated some staff layoffs. And refugee admissions are down, meaning families remain separated and refugees remain in difficult and dangerous circumstances abroad. On a personal level there were days it was truly hard to get up and go in to work. But at CRIS I am surrounded by the most extraordinary people, our clients, staff and board members, who inspire me every single day to continue to find that joy.

Yes, arrival numbers were down, but CRIS helped the refugees and immigrants in our community in so many other ways: finding that better job, improving English ability, helping parents learn parenting skills, pairing youth with community mentors, advocating for victims of crime, providing quality immigration legal services, helping senior refugees become U.S. Citizens, providing access to health care.

While our local government is very supportive of our work, our overall government funding continues to diminish, making it more and more difficult to continue providing needed services. So that we may continue in 2019 to provide a strong base of support to refugees and immigrants on their pathway to thriving we need your support. Please consider making a gift to CRIS.

Given the backdrop of the difficulties we faced this year every single refugee arrival is cause for celebration. And anyone who follows our Facebook feed knows that we celebrated great joy with the arrival of 6 year-old Mohamed Bare who finally joined his mother in September. Something else we celebrate is how our community has stepped forward to show support for refugees and immigrants, whether through individual volunteer efforts, arts initiatives like the Columbus Crossing Borders Project, church/faith-based activities or the actions of our local elected officials. Just this week we received great news that our proposal to the Franklin County Office on Aging to serve refugee seniors in 2019 through a Senior Options grant was recommended for funding.

Wishing you and your loved ones a happy and healthy 2019. We look forward to working together to build a thriving, inclusive community.




February - Afghani Women's Group: A CRIS Initiative


January - Supporting Children and Parents: Family Services at CRIS