February - Afghani Women's Group: A CRIS Initiative

Our goal at CRIS is to help each refugee and immigrant that walks through our doors achieve self-sufficiency and smoothly integrate into the Columbus community. This journey looks different for every individual, so our programs all try to address the specific needs and situations that arise in the lives of the people we work with.

The Refugee Health and Wellness program at CRIS runs a special initiative referred to as the Afghani Women’s Group. This group, comprised of Afghani women of all ages, meets once a week through a collaboration with OhioGuidestone. Health and Wellness program coordinator Cat Gossman describes the group as an alternative wellness women’s empowerment group which is geared specifically toward Afghani women to combat loneliness and isolation in their neighborhood. The goal is to provide a sense of community support to help the women eventually achieve recognizable independence.

Creating a space for the Afghani women to meet is just the start of what this unique initiative offers. CRIS staff plan each meeting to have a social as well as an educational component. Most group participants have arrived within the last five years, so many still require assistance navigating the health, housing, language, and other barriers they now face in the United States. In addition to social conversations with tea, past meetings have included instruction on what to do in an emergency, how to prepare for winter weather as well as cold and flu season, and elements of household safety, nutrition, and family planning.

The overwhelming sense of community is evident in these women who share a connection thousands of miles from their place of birth. Gossman says, “it’s clear that the women who regularly participate are very appreciative of the information provided and have expressed that they really enjoy each session. [They] feel that they are learning a lot.”


March - Welcoming Refugees at CRIS


January - New Year 2019: A Message from Angie Plummer, Executive Director of CRIS