November - Match Grant Program

Our Match Grant staff members – Erica Price, Kajene Etienne, Mulugeta Gebresilasie, and Chris Hogg – work to help refugees and asylees reach self-sufficiency within 4-6 months of arrival without accessing public cash assistance. The Match Grant program supports clients with case management and assistance as they work with employment counselors on resume-writing, job applications, English language practice, and other job readiness skills.

One example of the Match Grant program in action was with a family that arrived as asylees from Venezuela in March. CRIS was able to help the family secure a new apartment. After that, the Match Grant team got to work assisting in job placement, initially finding employment for both the mother and the father at the same restaurant. They enjoyed this arrangement, as they could practice their English while waiting tables. After this initial period, CRIS helped connect the mother with a different job, and is working with the father – who was a math professor at a university in Venezuela – on the process of recertifying his transcripts so he can find a job in his field in Columbus.

The program is called Match Grant because CRIS’ ability to serve refugees and asylees is only made possible through financial donations and community support – for the funding received for the program we have to demonstrate a proportionate level of community support. A CRIS volunteer was able to meet the family once a week to help them further practice their English skills, and their initial rent payments during the job-hunting phase were partially funded by donations.

Thank you to everyone who continues to donate, support, and volunteer with CRIS! Families can achieve this goal of long-term self-sufficiency and integration because of the wonderful welcome provided by the Central Ohio community.


December – Health and Wellness Program


October - A Message from Angela Plummer, Executive Director of CRIS