October - A Message from Angela Plummer, Executive Director of CRIS

As you have likely seen in the news, the Trump Administration formally announced the intention of setting an historically low refugee cap of 18,000 for this fiscal year. This comes despite the fact that there are over 40,000 refugees who are at the end stages of processing and waiting to travel, and over 100,000 in the US Resettlement Program pipeline. This low ceiling would severely impact CRIS and the communities we serve. The most direct and devastating impact is that refugee families will not be given safe haven and will continue to be separated from loved ones, despite their complying with every step of the U.S. government's thorough vetting process. There will simply be so few slots that for the most part, refugees will be left stranded and families will remain separated. CRIS' ability to sustain agency infrastructure is also threatened. The decrease in refugee arrivals significantly reduces funding that has historically supported CRIS' 25 years of service to the community. As we continue to provide comprehensive social services to local refugees and immigrants, financial support from individuals and the community is critical. Your donation to CRIS sends a powerful message of "welcome" to refugees and immigrants in Central Ohio, strengthening valuable services CRIS will continue to provide including English language, employment, citizenship support, immigration legal services, youth mentorship, and community education/advocacy to name a few.

What does this low refugee cap mean for CRIS?

We will continue to provide many services for refugees and immigrants. One of our biggest programs has been reception and placement, where we receive approved and screened refugee clients who have been chosen for resettlement in the United States. With each refugee comes a certain amount of funding to cover staff and administrative costs to provide appropriate case management services for these clients. So, the lower the number, the lower the overall funding available to meet fixed costs. Our staff maintains a wealth of cultural and institutional knowledge that we do not want to lose, possesses the language capacity needed to best serve the diverse Columbus community. Private funding is needed now more than ever to preserve CRIS as an integral community resource for the many refugees and immigrants already in central Ohio and for those who will come in the future.

Please reach out to Amanda Epting, the CRIS Development Director, (aepting@cris-ohio.org) if you would like to learn more about how to help. Or donate here. Please also take note of opportunities for advocacy we will continue to share.

Thank you very much for your support.



November - Match Grant Program


September - Cultural Orientation