It's chilly outside!
As I'm sure many of you have noticed, the leaves are beginning to change as well as the temperature. Having lived in Ohio for five years now I've come up with creative ways to brave the very gray and cold winters. Many hot cups of tea, blankets, good books, and talks with friends have helped me last until March- but we all know by February we're hoping for just one sunny day and going a little crazy!Imagine moving to Ohio as a refugee from a desert in Northern Kenya where you've never had to think about wearing a winter coat. Many of the refugees that come through CRIS come from much warmer climates and are often shocked by Ohio winters. At CRIS we do our best to make sure every family has some heavy blankets and winter coats in ther apartment when they arrive. But, as always, we can't make these things happen without the support of the community. Please consider donating warm blankets and helping our new neighbors brave the Ohio winter!We accept new and gently used donations. Heavy blankets are the most needed item right now and you can drop donations off at the CRIS North Office, which is located at 4889 Sinclair Rd, Suite 111, Columbus, OH 43229.
Thank you!