Happy Thanksgiving!
This year some CRIS staff members shared what they are thankful for. I personally am always overwhelmed with how much our staff members truly care for clients and work tirelessly to serve them. There is an amazing spirit of service at CRIS and I’m blessed to be a part of this family! I am also so thankful for the opportunity to hear many people’s stories and to be part of drawing communities and different stories together into one big story as I connect community members to new refugee families and individuals.Here are some thoughts from other staff members…“I am so thankful for the people who were and are a part of CRIS, whose hearts are really drawn toward helping people.”Jennie Pyle“This year I'm thankful for the Senior Options and the Gerlach Center for Senior Health helping our clients get naturalized through their Medical Waivers program.”“Sanadkani waxaan aad ugu mahad naqayaa Qeybta Waaayeelka ee degaanka iyo Xarunta Gerlach ee dadka waayeelka oo kaalin weyn ka geysta sidii ay dhalashada dalka ku heli lahaayeen sababo caafimaad awgeed.”Abdirizak Ahmed“I am thankful for the opportunity to interact with an international community every day. The blessings I receive from my clients are far greater than any service I can offer them. I am thankful for opportunities to celebrate successes, no matter how great or small they may be.”Drew Robertson“I am thankful this year for my clients who have taught me how to be perseverant and patient during the hardest times.”أشعر بالإمتنان للإخوة والأخوات اللاجئين الذين تعلمت منهم الصبر والعزيمة في أحلك الاوقاتNahla al-Huraibi“I’m thankful for connecting with generous community members who have given us so much.”Amy Moorehead“This year, I am thankful for the constant education from our clients about their unique cultures and personal experiences.”“Ove godine, ja sam zahvalan za stalnu edukaciju naših klijenata o svom jedinstvenom kultura i osobnih iskustava.”Jay Hunter“I’m thankful for the opportunity to meet people from all over the world and learn first-hand about other cultures and ways of life.”Dan LaPointe“I am thankful for the generosity of community groups like The Links who made it possible to answer "yes" to a request that we resettle a Rwandan family in need with only two days' notice.”Angela Plummer“I'm thankful for CRIS staff who are empathic, passionate and committed to helping immigrants, refugees and asylees have a positive experience in this new country.”“Estoy muy agradecida con los empleados de CRIS, por su empatía, pasión y compromiso, con nosotros los inmigrantes, refugiados y asilados, para ayudarnos a tener una experiencia positiva en este nuevo país.”Diana Sierra“I am thankful for the clients we serve and their continued spirit of dedication and compassion despite the toils they have encountered.”Allison RaygorCharis Steffel has been the Sponsorship Developer at CRIS for almost a year now. Her primary role is to work with groups in the community, educating and training them to sponsor newly arriving refugee families.