Come to Coffee Hour!
Next Thursday, December 9th, at 7pm I am holding a coffee hour at Global Gallery on North High in Clintonville (3535 N. High St. Columbus, OH 43214). This will last an hour to hour and a half and the purpose is to invite people who want to learn more about co-sponsorship. Co-sponsorship is essentially working to welcome a newly arriving family and work with them their first few weeks here to help them navigate American culture successfully going to the library, riding the bus, learning how to start-up a checking account, etc. This experience is one of mutual learning where the volunteer can learn about a new culture they might not be familiar with. Attending this meeting is by no means a commitment, but an opportunity to learn more about what co-sponsorship entails and an opportunity to ask questions. I hope to see you there! There will be coffee and snacks provided.Charis Steffel has been the Sponsorship Developer at CRIS for almost a year now. Her primary role is to work with groups in the community, educating and training them to sponsor newly arriving refugee families.