Know Your Rights
These are external resources, and we at CRIS cannot verify that they are up-to-date with current policy changes.
ILRC: Immigrant Legal Resource Center
ILRC offers a fillable Family Preparedness Plan that is available in English and Spanish. ILRC also has printable Red Cards that can be carried around by refugees and immigrants that outline their rights and help communicate those rights with ICE/Police. These Red Cards are available in 19 languages including Amharic, Creole, Pashto, Tigrinya, and Ukrainian.
AILA: American Immigration Lawyers Association
Know Your Rights: If ICE visits your home
ACLU: American Civil Liberties Union
The ACLU has Know Your Rights documents available in 16 languages including Creole, Farsi, Somali, and Spanish. The website includes simplified directions for clients who have been stopped or approached by ICE/Police that are available in Arabic, Farsi, Spanish, and Urdu.
ACLU Ohio: American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio
This website has a number of informational handouts in English. They also have a phone number and email address for immigrants to report ICE abuses and racial profiling.
ABLE Ohio: Advocates for Basic Legal Equality
This website has informational packets entitled “Preparing Your Family for Immigration Enforcement” in Arabic, Chinese, French, Haitian Creole, Kinyarwanda, Russian, Somali, Spanish, and Swahili. This site also has videos and self-help materials in Arabic, English, and Spanish.