April - Victoria Beckman

Like many, Victoria Beckman was deeply troubled by the President’s anti-immigrant/anti-refugee executive orders instituted in January of 2017. Victoria felt compelled to take action in support of the immigrants and organizations in her local community who were impacted by these policies -- this is when she found CRIS. Victoria quickly raised several thousand dollars among her family and friends in support of CRIS' work, and then decided that she wanted to contribute even further by serving as a volunteer.

Victoria has a personal stake in CRIS’ mission as well; at a young age, she immigrated to the United States from Colombia. Reflecting on her own arrival Victoria says, “When I first came here, I was so encouraged by any welcoming words, by someone wanting to get to know me and give me an opportunity, by anyone who welcomed me into their lives.” This experience underscored Victoria and her family’s interest and excitement in forming a Welcome Team with CRIS.  When she learned CRIS would be receiving a Colombian refugee family Victoria was immediately eager to help.

Victoria has felt a personal connection to the welcomed Colombian family from the moment they met saying, “in just a few months, my family and I have fallen in love with them and we consider them part of our own family now.” They have enjoyed this time together, attending Columbus Crew games, shopping for clothes and furniture, and enjoying personal experiences as people with a shared heritage. Victoria noted that she has been able to share tips with the family on how to more easily adapt to their new lives in the US as someone who went through a similar transition years earlier.

And last month CRIS was honored to welcome Victoria as the newest member of the Board of Trustees.  Victoria spends her time professionally as an attorney with Frost Brown Todd, LLC at their offices in Columbus. She served as a public defender before going into private practice and believes that her relationship with CRIS helps her continue to realize the community service she yearns for in life. Victoria says, “My work with CRIS has impacted all areas of my life. Personally, it has inspired me to empower others and help them have a voice in their new communities.”


May - The Power of Soccer and Integrating Immigrants into our Community


March - The Service Corps Members at CRIS