December - Employer Spotlight: Midwest Molding

Midwest Molding is a plastic injection molding company headquartered in Plain City, Ohio with a workforce as diverse as they come. In addition to mainstream Ohioans, they employ several Russians, Africans, and, most notably, 28 Bhutanese-Nepali refugees. Production Manager, Tim, is committed to working with New American communities, working through obstacles including language barriers, and creating a safe and welcoming environment for diverse cultures. “It doesn’t matter where you come from. If you have the ability and the attitude to learn, you’ll have the same opportunities as anybody else,” he says. Word about the good work and positive environment at Midwest Molding spread within the Nepali community, with people quickly asking about jobs for their siblings, spouse, or friends. Tim was particularly motivated to open up opportunities to refugees after attending a simulation of the refugee journey at CRIS and learning about how difficult the transition into life in America can be. “I got evicted [during the simulation]. I was homeless!”

Midwest Molding is not only a steadfast CRIS partner, but also a fast-growing leader in their industry. They have gone from working with five machines, called presses, in 2002 to twenty four in 2016. Today they have thirty five presses, and they recently added 40,000 square feet in warehouse space to their facilities. Bhutanese-Nepali refugees have filled a crucial gap in their workforce, ensuring Midwest Molding could keep pace with the increasing demand for their products. “Overall it’s worked out very well for us, and it’s what’s allowed us to expand our business,” according to Tim. Mutually beneficial relationships with employers like Midwest Molding are what allow CRIS to live into its mission statement of helping refugees and immigrants reach and sustain self-sufficiency.


January - Supporting Children and Parents: Family Services at CRIS


December - Employee Spotlight: Murtadha Al Shaikhli