September - CRIS 5K for Refugees

Our biggest event of the year is finally here! The CRIS 5K run is the favorite among our staff and friends for its large turnout of clients, family, and supporters alike all in recognition of our worthy cause. Of course, this run would be nothing without the bedrock of CRIS -- our allies and champions of refugee rights like you.

This annual event is intended to rally our community's support for refugees and immigrants and this year will spotlight how the reduction in refugee numbers and anti-refugee policies have impacted local families who are still waiting for loved ones to join them. These policies have had a particularly devastating impact in Columbus as our city hosts one of the largest Somali refugee populations in the country, and Somalis (as well as other nationalities) have been delayed and prevented from coming here to join their families.

We ask you to join the CRIS community for the advocacy fair and 5K run on Saturday September 8th with registration beginning at 8:00 AM. You may participate by registering as a runnersponsoring someone else, or making a general donation. You can even register at the event, so bring a friend! For more information, please visit


October - Your role in changing the future


August - Resettlement