CRIS Celebrates Many Spring 2024 Graduates


Sital (pictured center) at her high school graduation with her mentors (2019)

Sital at her college graduation (2024)


In the spring of 2024, CRIS’ youth mentorship program Community Connectors celebrated 26 mentees who graduated from high school and one mentee who graduated from college!

Sital and her sister Sabu became part of CRIS’ youth mentorship program Community Connectors in 2017. Born in Nepal, they were resettled in the United States in 2008 and lived in Utah for eight years before moving to Columbus. Through Community Connectors, Sital met her mentors Tori and Yasmeen. Sital shares, “They were both amazing mentors! My favorite memory was exploring Columbus and going to new places with them. Our conversations would never end; we talked for hours because of the strong bond we had!” This year, Sital graduated from The Ohio State University with a Human Development and Family Science degree. 

Community Connectors Program Manager Jeremy Hollon explains, “Over the years, we have been part of incredible life experiences with Sital and Sabu, from graduating high school to moving into their house to older sisters getting married and welcoming in children to starting careers…I think Sital personifies our programming as even after being in the United States for over eight years, having English fluency, and having family employment, there was still a need for support. For Sital, as with many of our youth, having mentors was more about where she was going instead of where she came from.”

Join us in congratulating Sital and her fellow Community Connectors graduates!


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