ADAMH Helps Bring HealthRHYTHMS to Columbus!
CRIS Refugee Wellness Program was awarded a small grant by the ADAMH board to implement an innovative Music and Wellness program. This program combines therapeutic drumming sessions which were piloted with huge success by the Music and Wellness project in Cincinnati. Drumming sessions will be combined with a facilitator-led mental health and wellness discussion, led by a licensed social worker. The need for such a program was recognized due to recent instances and rises in suicides within the Bhutanese refugee community. Therefore, there is a current, urgent need for community-based and culturally appropriate suicide prevention strategies. CRIS developed this project in collaboration with the Bhutanese Nepali Community of Columbus (BNCC) , who has recognized the necessity of these services after a series of tragedies and close-calls, identifying the need to come together and begin to talk about mental health as a community.The specific evidence-based program which will be implemented in the context of this project is HealthRHYTHMS – an enlivening group drumming program. The program is focused on learning, discovering, enjoying, and sharing musical insights that can help everyone improve their quality of life. HealthRHYTHMS includes a protocol which consists of the following ten steps: 1) Introducing the Program, reviewing the health benefits of group drumming; 2) Wellness Exercise, which harmonizes mind, body and spirit; 3) Breaking the Ice, shaker pass – enables the group to feel at ease; 4) The ABC’s of Drumming; 5) Rhythmic Naming, playing the rhythm of their name; 6) Entrainment Building, participants copy a foundational rhythm; 7) Inspirational Beats, drumming responses for individuals facing challenges of chronic illness; 8) Guided Imagery Drumming, focuses on breathing and a progressive muscle relaxation exercise; 9) Wellness Exercise; 10) The Finale, creates an ambience of reflection and expression (from Music and Wellness Coalition website: This is an important opportunity to implement HealthRHYTHMS in Columbus, Ohio as the first activity of its kind geared towards the large Bhutanese population.The program will also provide training to the BNCC so that under their leadership and with continued support from CRIS and other mental health stakeholders, the community can continue to ensure emotional release through music and collaborate with appropriate community-based resources to continue a discussion around solutions to mental health and wellness issues in the local community. As needed, CRIS will continue to meet with the BNCC and facilitate referrals even after the life of this targeted intervention.